Saturday, February 26, 2011

Flower of Life

Flower of  Life
760×560mm water color,pastel

I made this piece last year, 2010. This is one of  Flower of Life series which have 3 pieces.Cosmos was born and raising. At last, harmony of all lives comes. That is my cosmos image.This artwork is the second piece expressing COSMOS is raising and prospering infinitely. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is exhibited at macrobiotic restaurant MOMINOKI HOUSE from 12 - 25/Feb. Image I caught is that lives receive vital energy through tree ,prospering in the cosmos. All lives inspirate cosmos energy,born and living. Then they are brightening, and emitting lights by various colors in harmony. This piece is my song of praise to all lives.
 mainly encaustic and mixed media.727×606mm

Friday, February 4, 2011

Nature System

Nature System
 encaustic, 727×606mm

My latest art work entitled " Nature System" is drawn for my coming exhibition.This exhibition is conducted at natural food & macrobiotic restaurant MOMINOKI HOUSE in Tokyo,Japan.As you can see,the title is my theme at this time. Matching with the concept of MOMINOKI HOUSE, I selected this theme.In Eastern philosophy, Dharma is traditionally the symbol of the law of cosmos or nature system. The difference with my art and traditional dharma is that I added spiritual light to dharma.I aimed the fusion of Eastern and Western.There is quite difference with Eastern philosophy and Western.But I suggest the future of human beings is opened as East and West is fused and we can draw hopeful supervision .

Exhibition  NATURE

2-18-15 Jingu-mae Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan

12/Feb. Sat. - 25/Feb. Fri.