Thursday, June 30, 2011


pastel,watercolor,acrylic gouache

 This art has been completed recently.The concept of  title is "origin" or "first".When and how is the world created? What is its objective? We can't know it easily.But there was the intention of "the origin" on the beginning of World. I call the origin "α".

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Incarnation of Nature

Incarnation of  Nature
pastel,watercolor pencil,acrylic gouache

In those days, I tried  Eastern symbol to express concept. Dragon is the symbol of the weather ,especially tempest.And Dragon rising to Heaven has been said the symbol of success, fortune and prosperity from the ancient and drawn on the wall ,ceiling and door in Japanese temple and castle.But many of them are drawn with Sumi,so I tried to complete colorfully without Sumi.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Space Trip

Space Trip
770×570mm,watercolor,pastel,acryl gouache

New era in the future is expressioned in this piece.The figure like flower on the center is the symbol of cosmos law and space ship,either.In the back yard , energy is flowing from multi-dimensional world.Is it heaven? I think religion and science have to be fused in the future.The position of science is to investigate the world created by God. I think so.