Monday, March 21, 2011

Golden Dragon

Golden Dragon
364×515mm, water color,water color pencil
  My image is that brightening golden dragon is rising up higher and higher to the Heaven.What dragon is holding are beads. They are the symbols of Teachings in Buddism.We can see dragons holding beads in traditional temple in Japan.And then, I added the meaning of our hope and future to Dragon.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thank people in the world from Japan!!

We will build future again and again!!
watercolor pencil pastel ,1030×728mm

After we Japanese encountered terrible earthquake and tsunami,people in the world pray for us.
and send relief to us,either.We are doing our best. But this setbacks is not far away.What I only can do for you is to express my deepest gratitude by drawing.Thank God and you!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


2010, watercolor,pastel,560×760mm
The theme of this piece is 悟り-enlightenment. The moment our attaining enlightenment is that of just awareness in our mind.Its awareness is expanding over time and space everlastingly.The stack of awareness enhanced our enlightenment.Ever,ever lasting.

Monday, March 7, 2011


pastel, watercolor pencil 728×515mm

This pieces is drawn in 2010.Very meditational piece.It expresses tranquility in our mind is the origin of true happiness.  In the preach of Buddism, to attain spiritual enlightenment, " Mind tranquility" is very important and necessary.We can know we are the children of God if we can see the God's light in tranquility. And The manner to hold its quietness is meditation...